Friday, January 25, 2008

Wake Up, Andy!

This just reminded me so much of Andy and Dana on the weekend!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Rival Cat Tries to Kill Andy

I have learned that Andy's mother's cat, Matilda, has made an attempt on my housemate, Andy's, life! And her scheme was more cunning than most James Bond movies, leaving no evidence and no witnesses....

Andy's mum, an unknowing participant in the plan, brought around some zucchini slice for her son on the weekend. The slice, at this point, already contained the instrument of death intended for my friend. When the slice was being prepared, Matilda seized her opportunity to take one of those freezer bag twisty ties, and, in a brilliant act of kittenly playfulness, placed it into the uncooked mixture.

The slice was then baked and cut into portions. When no one was watching, Matilda ensured the baited portion ended up on the plate bound for Andy's consumption.

It is to the credit of my housemate's quick-thinking and fast-acting that he recognised the offending material in his meal and removed it before it had the desired effect.

And then this afternoon, this email arrives:
kitty says sorry for trying to kill you with the freezer bag tie
from matilda"

Matilda is obviously not the professional assassin she makes herself out to be, because any court would consider this an admission of an attempt to commit murder. Luckily for her, I have advised my "client" not to press charges at this time.

As a genral message to any cats out there thinking of an attempt on my friends' lives: you will be unsuccessful, and there will be a retalliation strike!