Sunday, December 23, 2007

Gone Fishin

I can't say who it was in case Andy reads this, but one of us almost ended up in the drink!

Andy had been mopping the floors and left the coffee table next to the fish tank. One of us decided to get a closer look at the fish and jumped on top of the tank. How were we to know the glass on top wouldn't hold our weight? So the glass fell into the tank and luckily we got away with only a few wet footprints to give us away.

Luckily by the time Andy got home, all paws were dry, so he doesn't know which one of us it was.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cat Out Of The Bag

Uh oh! Andy's taken the bag out of the cupboard again. There are some clothes going into it. This usually means he will be gone for a few days.

But where does he go? One day I'll find out. You see when the bag comes out, I usually jump into it, or sleep on top of it. This way I have a greater chance of him not noticing me and accidentally taking me with him.

The trick is knowing just when to get into the bag. I once jumped in and hid there for hours before realising, maybe he is not going tonight!

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Last night the three of us watched Jurassic Park. Great movie, but they got all the facts wrong.

They debate whether dinosaurs evolved into reptiles or birds. I think it's obvious that they turned into kitty cats. Especially those delightful Velociraptors.

Such a shame we lost that 6 inch claw though!

Monday, December 3, 2007


After putting up Christmas lights yesterday Andy left a ladder in the hallway. Now I'm not superstitious, but who leaves a black cat alone in a house with a ladder leaning against a wall opposite a mirror? What if I were to do something "evil" like walk under the ladder and push it into the mirror? The years of bad luck are just piling up.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Wasted Opportunity

Watching this video, you know nothing bad is going to happen, but I can't help but feel at any moment he could do some serious damage to this woman. Well, I would have anyway!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Pats: Just for Cats?

As a cat, I love a good pat. It feels great!

But it never occurred to me before: Why do cats not think that people would like a pat in return?

They pat us, and we enjoy it, so it would make sense that we'd pick up this behaviour from them, and assume that they would also enjoy it, then give them a pat in return. But, we just don't. Are we really that selfish? Why do we assume they are patting us for our benefit alone?

So I put it to all the other cats out there: Pat A Person! They might love it, they might hate it, but at least we'll know.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Caught Red-Pawed

It's a known fact: Where there is cat, there is vomit. We choke on anything and everything, and when we don't, we ingest our own fur and make ourselves sick. There's nothing like a good retch!

It becomes a lot more interesting when there are two cats. Of course there is still vomit, but there is also the added intrigue of just who did it! This question has plagued Andy since Dana and I were kittens. He would come home, find a chuck on the floor somewhere and have absolutely no idea who to yell at, so we'd both get away with it.

Now the answer is, it is usually my regurgitations he finds. But last night, Andy was disturbed by the sounds of coughing, and switched the lights on to find Dana choking on some dry biscuits. She spat them up, he checked she was okay, told her off for making a pig of herself, cleaned the mess, and went back to bed.

But now I have won myself a free pass, because it will be Dana who is blamed for every little mess he finds lying around for quite some time. I think I'll help myself to some extra gravy with my dinner tonight. It might just disagree with me!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Australia Decides: 2007

Now I don't really follow politics, being a cat. I mean Australia has never elected a feline Prime Minister. However I have picked up a few things from the TV this weekend, and here is what I understand of it all...

This weekend the people of Australia voted, and elected a new leader for the nation. Her name is Natalie Gauci, and her first task as Prime Minister is to release her Winner's Single. They were also talking a lot about some guy called Kevin Rudd. I think he might be Prime Minister Gauci's manager.

Weekend Cleaning

On the weekend, we clean the house. We all have our important jobs to fulfil.

First, Andy uses the vacuum cleaner to pick up all the dirt and mess from the floors and couches. I don't like the cleaner at all and I stay well away.

Once that is done however, Dana and I step in and do our parts. All we need to do is to leave a new protective coating of fur spread over every surface. This helps keep the carpets and furniture safe until it is next time for Andy to vacuum, and the process starts over.

We all do our part!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Hello! Welcome to my blog. I hope you are worthy of reading it.

My name is Pandora, named after the mythical Pandora's Box that released all evil into mankind. Quite fitting really, as you will come to see. My friends call me "Pandy"-- you may not... for now.

My middle name is Jade, because I have green eyes that glow in the dark.

I have no last name, which makes the fact I have a middle name much more confusing, and perhaps unsettling.

I live in a share house with my housemates Dana and Andy. I'm sure you'll hear all about their ridiculous antics in this blog.

What else can I tell you about myself? As I said I have green eyes, long hair, I'm black, I'm 6 years old, and about 1 foot tall.

Oh, and I'm a cat... Meow!